Sunpo Foods Kurume Ramen 88g x 12 pieces

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Product introduction The creamy cloudy pork bone soup and special pork oil are finished in a rich soup with plenty of pork head extract and pork bone extract. In addition, adding ninnic chips will make you more appetizing. Char sho -kiragagaga sesame for Kayaku. Raw ingredients, ingredients fried noodles (flour (domestic manufacturing) vegetable oils and oil lard salt plant tan white) Decomposed vegetable oils and oils extract) Kayaku (grilled pork kiragage sesame rice onion) / processed dent flour tasting plants (amino acids, etc.) Calcium pH carbonated pH coadon kanasui pigmented pigmented pigmented pigmented pigmented pigmentation agent (vitamin E) vitamin B2 vitamin B1 spice extract Soyal flavors (including wheat, eggs, milk ingredients, soybeans, chicken, pork, gelatin, sesame)
1,278 JPY
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