Tamaruya Honten "Wasabi Senbei" Sweet Sweet Soukai Sanako Snack Sweet Snacks Snacks Shizuoka Miyaga Shizuoka Specialty

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The tingling taste is pleased with the snacks of beer. Name rice confectionery 80g raw material name Uruchi rice (domestic) ? oil sugar nour flour paste bonito kelp/seasoning (amino acids, etc.) 昆 香 (including wheat soybeans) 賞 保 保 保 賞 賞 賞 賞 賞 賞)))))))))) Please. Taramiya Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. NT 421-0113 Shimokawara 5-35, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, 054-256-2140 Nutritional ingredients display 1 bag (80g) Heat volume 306kcal protein carbohydrate 66.4g Salt equivalent 1.8g of amount * This factory manufactures products containing shrimp.
189 JPY
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Tamaruya head office

Tamaruya head office