Tokyo 468 Ingredients Polenti Yellow Polenta Mais Malanero Maranerocorn de Takki [500g] [Room temperature]

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: "Orange -colored varieties" Maranerocone "and White Corn" Biancoperla "like pearls" Polenti generally imagine a yellow corn, but it is actually made of white corn. There is also a porenta. This white polent is the local food that is eaten around Venice in Italy. This time, TOKYO468 ingredients will handle two kinds of polets. First, the yellow porenta. Polento made with 100 % rare varieties called Marunello Marnero comones. It was named from the village of Marano Vichentino, close to the detached farm. Marunello is characterized by its small grain and orange yellow, and has a shining gloss. The darker Marunello is rich in carotenoids and is rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acid vitamins than other corn. Although it is small, it has a simple and powerful flavor, and the fragrant flavor and taste are even more compliant by making it coarsely ground with a stone mill. Veneto people seem to eat white polets, such as meat dishes, to their tastes, such as meat dishes. TOKYO468 The yellow polento (Marnero) handled with ingredients is a coarse type of stone mill. The coarse grain type that remains moderately after cooking is fully drawn out of Marnero's simple, powerful taste and flavor. Since the size of the grain is not uniform, the taste and mouthfeel will be flat, and the flavor will be richer by mixing the suma (outer skin). "The power of the material brought by the" 40 minutes "that you can't taste with an instant >> The basic cooking method of Polenta is very simple. Boil the water in a pan and put the polareta and cook carefully while stirring well so that it does not become lumpy. Only this. TOKYO468 The two types of polets (yellow and white) handled by the ingredients are both carefully cooked for 40 minutes. The way of cooking is the same for yellow polets and white polets. Boil the water in a pan and stir well. While stirring so that it does not burn, add it too much water and add it for 40 minutes. If you have a faintly sweet scent like a cooking porridge, it's done. Cooking over time will make the dry corn absorbed and slowly heated, creating a sticky and subtle sweetness of starch. Each one of the corn is a lot of water, and when it is put in the mouth, the gentle elasticity and the slightly remaining grain feel are comfortable. The subtle sweetness that is not too claim is a simple taste that does not get tired of it alone, but the sweetness of Polenta becomes even more compliant when used to salty stewed dishes. This delicate sweetness flavor is the power of the material drawn out over 40 minutes. A really delicious Polenti has a 40 -minute effort and time. Raw ingredients and ingredients corn (marinello)
448 JPY
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Tokyo 468 ingredients

Tokyo 468 ingredients