Toyo Fisheries Tamago Soup Wonton 28g x 12 pieces

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It is a familiar Maru -chan Wonton series product of the product name and separate design that is directly connected to the product introduction flavor and wonton. Just size for rice balls and lunch purchasers side menus, snacks, snacks. I use a smooth and smooth wonton. The soup is a light soup that gives a rich body with onion based on the extract of bonito, konbu, and shiitake mushrooms. The ingredients were fluffy flagmas wakame sashimi onions. Raw ingredients, ingredients, fried ingredients (flour vegetable oils and fats with pork powdered vegetable food salt) Attached seasoning (Salt sugar sauce soy sauce konbu extract konbu extract vegetable vegetable debris Shiitake Shiitake Shiikake Sister Oil) Yakayaku (eggs, etc.) Seasoning. Carotine pigment -pigmented polysaccharide fragrance tinosuno oxidation anti -oxidant (vitamin E) Pigmented pigment (containing breast component gelatin in part of the raw material)
690 JPY
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Oriental Fisheries

Oriental Fisheries