Twining Earl Gray Tea Bag (2g x 10p) x 4 boxes

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: Product Introduction Bergamot (citrus) Earl Gray with a unique refreshing scent. The blend name comes from Count British Prime Minister Gray. It is recommended that the scent is enhanced not only for straight but also in milk tea. If you prepare Earl Gray on a nice holiday balcony table, and keep your chair loosely, it will be a blissful time. The refreshing taste like the amber tea breeze that shines in the sunshine is refreshed. 。 Tea bag is easy to carry with individual packaging. Raw material/ingredient black tea/Fragrance attention (exemption)> Please be sure to read and save it while avoiding high temperature and humidity. Please enjoy early after opening the inner bag. Please be careful when handling boiling water
562 JPY
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Kataoka Bussan

Kataoka Bussan