UHA (Yuha) Osatsu Kiki Plain flavor & salt butter flavor 65g x 10 bags (5 bags each) eat comparison [Yukkun's confectionery warehouse]

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: Fet dietary fiber Marukari! It is a snack with sweet potatoes that are sliced ??with plenty of natural delicious sweet potatoes as they are. Dietary fiber and replenish sweet potatoes are foods that contain dietary fiber. Dietary fiber, which is a nutrient that tends to be lacking in everyday life, can be supplied deliciously. Raw ingredients and ingredients [Plain] Sweet potato (domestic or Chinese) Sugar vegetable oil / oxidation anti -oxidant (vitamin E) [Salt butter] Sweet potato sugar vegetable oil salt butter seasoning (cheese powder -suckwood milk salt (50%deep sea salt) grape sugar) / Penus seasoning (amino acid) anti -oxidant (vitamin E) colorant (carotinoid stow con) (some contains milk)
1,000 JPY
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