Utakafus grilled chin out 10 bags of craftsmen

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Product Introduction Frying Chojo Bonito Bonito Kelp Shiitake mushrooms. It is a simple and convenient Japanese style pack with the umami and aroma of six materials. Since salt soy sauce is added, it is not necessary to season only with this product. If you simply boil it, you can use it as a juice such as udon, and you can use it as a seasoning for various dishes if you break one bag and shake the contents. It is a versatile pack made from 6 kinds of flavored ingredients including grilled chin. It is seasoned, so you can use it as it is for cooking (exemption)> Please be sure to read. Bettle powder may appear in the soup stock, but please be assured that it is a part of the raw material. Please be careful about the handling of boiling water before cooking.
297 JPY
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