Yamadai New Touch Great Noodles Cold Chinese Seaweed Salad style 132g x 12 pieces

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Product Introduction In the terrible noodle series, which boasts freshness, cold Chinese food is joined only in the summer. If you cool the medium -thin noodles dedicated to cold Chinese food, you can enjoy a more smooth texture. The brewed soy sauce is an exquisite balance of sourness and sweetness, and the flavor of sesame oil is appetizing. The ingredients are made of white kirage wakame red patch to make a colorful seaweed salad style. It is a refreshing dish that is perfect for hot summer. Raw ingredients, ingredients (flour (domestic manufacturing) Supply soybean fiber) sauce (sugar soy sauce salt plant oil bonito extract extract) kayaku (red ginger white kirkurigage wakame tornamata)/processed den Suspended (Kissantan) Oxidation anti -oxidant (vitamin E) Kuchinashi colored red pigment (including wheat, beef, sesame, soybeans)
1,426 JPY
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