Yamadai Teri -an. Temune Somen 76g x 12 pieces

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It is a dish that was born based on the concept of "Easy cup noodles with delicious Ibo no Ito Yen. The noodles are made of hand noodles "Ibo no Ito" to reproduce the smooth texture and crisp texture unique to hand noodles. In addition, we are particular about the deliciousness of dashi and use the luxurious use of 4 kinds of ingredients with Setouchi from Setouchi. The rich scent of boiled noodles and the color of the eggs are appetizing. It is also attractive that it is 196 kcal and low calorie per piece. I want to eat somen, but boiling dry noodles is a bit troublesome. In such a case, how about cup noodles that can be easily eaten just by pouring hot water?
1,190 JPY
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