Yamasa reduced salt soup (4 times concentrated) 1800ml

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: Product Introduction The soy sauce has the "four fragrant ingredients" to achieve satisfactory taste even with reduced salt. Acetic acid (fragrant component contained in brewed vinegar) HEMF (fragrant component contained in fermented foods such as miso and soy sauce) Methional (fragrant ingredients contained in potato miso soy sauce, etc.) Isoral alcohol (fruit vegetable milk products Sake Soy sauce soy sauce miso fermented foods, etc. By adding the fragrance component contained in, the fragrance of soy sauce is rich and finished with a satisfactory taste even if it is reduced. In addition, it is a solid flavored soup with the combination of kelp and bonito. Raw ingredients, ingredients soy sauce (including wheat and soybeans) (Domestic manufactured) Frontaine grained grain sugar sugar sugar fermented seasoning Fermented food salted and bonito extract (crushed) Sugar water Amikatsuo extract (containing soybeans) Wheat fermented seasoning (containing soybeans) ) Brewing vinegar kelp/seasoning (amino acids, etc.) alcohol fragrance Sour acidity
675 JPY
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Yamasa soy sauce

Yamasa soy sauce