Yasuka Community Farm Hawk's Claw 5g

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Product introduction Domestic 100%organic cultivation. Lay the hot and humid and humidity in pickled Chinese dishes and save it in a cool and dark place. Nutritional component display (per 5g) Energy 15kcal protein 0.7g Lipid 0.5g carbohydrate equivalent 0.0g of salt equivalent 0g of raw material / ingredients Organic (Shimane prefecture) How to use it and the shaken farm hawk's claw 5g ◆ Shimane Produced Organic Hawk 100 100 % ■ Scented and colorful ■ Spicy is going on ■ Pay attention to various dishes spices (exemption)> Please read The operation has been started on April 1, as set to use 1/5 of the standard value of residual radioactive cesium as defined by. All information about the response to residual radioactive substances is published on the website. ■ Response to residual radioactive substances (http://biomarche.jp/topics/radiation.html) ■ Click here for the test results. (Http://biomarche.jp/topics/kekka.html)
90 JPY
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Yasuka Kyodo Farm

Yasuka Kyodo Farm