Yonaguni Island, Kohama Island, Tarama Island, Agunijima brown sugar set

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The brown sugar has been produced in Okinawa in the Edo period, about 380 years ago. Learning the manufacturing method from China has also become popular throughout Okinawa. Since then, sugarcaves have become Okinawa's leading crops, and half of the cultivated land area of ??the prefecture has been planted. However, most of it is currently producing raw materials (crude sugar) such as white sugar, and only 5 to 6 % of brown sugar. The once hundreds of brown sugar factories have decreased since the 1970s. There is no big difference in the manufacturing method of each island, but the difference between the soil and weather cultivation methods on the island is reflected in brown sugar straight. Each island has a different face, such as the texture of color flavor. Please try it. Raw ingredients and ingredients Sato debris
1,000 JPY
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